A mammography, or mammogram, is an X-ray of the breast. It's a screening tool used to detect and diagnose breast cancer. Together with regular clinical exams and monthly breast self-examinations, mammograms are a key element in the early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Digital mammography paves way for solid-state detectors to replace the typical X-Ray films. This system converts x-rays into electronic signals for better imaging. The converted signals produce images of the breast that can be monitored on a computer screen and printed on a special film paper for further diagnosis. Digital Mammography is available in two different types - New 3D digital breast mammography/tomosynthesis and Standard 2D digital breast mammography.
Versatile computed radiography (CR) digitizer that can handle digital mammography, as well as all general radiography, orthopaedic, chiropractic, Full Leg/Full Spine and dental applications. The total cost of ownership remains low, making it an affordable way to move from analog to digital